We are one of the best property management companies in Chicago and suburbs
Chicago's best property management company, providing tenant screening, rent collection, property marketing, and more at a reasonable cost.
- Notice of No-Agency Relationship
- Applicant’s Certification
- Applicant’s Authorization to Release Information
- Application Policy and Procedures
- An Application Contains
- Tenant Minimum Requirements, Screening Criteria, Notices and Disclosures
- Upon Approval
- Move-In Inspection and Orientation
- Sight-Unseen Addendum
- Verification of Provided Identification
- Review and Verification of Income for Each Applicant
- Review and Verification of Employment History
- Review and Verification of Rental History
- Evictions
- Household Size
- Errors and Omissions
- Credit History Review and Verification
- Review and Verification of Pet Screening Application
- Short Term Lease Agreement Option
- Criminal Background Check
- Security Deposit Insurance or a Bond
- Tenants are Responsible for any Damage to the Property
- Mandatory Renters Insurance
- No Smoking, Tobacco-Free Properties
- School Boundaries and School Enrollment
- Disabled Accessibility
- Home-Based Business
- Periodic Inspections
- Showing the Property During the Last 60 Days of Your Lease
- Late Payments
- Privacy Notice
- Reasons For Denial of Application
- Applicant’s Self-Verification of Tenant Minimum Requirements and the Pre-Screening Criteria
- Rental Application Subject to Availability of Property
- Damage Waiver
- Non-Reliance Release
- Liability Limit
- Tenant Screening Services
Rental Application Terms and Conditions
Three Pentacles, PLLC Only Represents Landlords
NOTICE OF NO AGENCY RELATIONSHIP – Thank you for giving Three Pentacles, PLLC an opportunity to show you available units and receive tenants’ rental application(s). Three Pentacles, PLLC has previously entered into a property management agreement with a landlord/client to provide certain real estate brokerage services and as a result of that Three Pentacles, PLLC acts as landlords’ agent/broker. Consequently, Three Pentacles, PLLC will not be acting as tenant’s agent/broker in any capacity whatsoever. If a tenant wishes to be represented by a real estate broker, please feel free to retain one. To find a local Realtor to represent you, please see: Directory for local real estate associations in Illinois
Three Pentacles, PLLC is committed to equal housing, and we fully comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA). We do not discriminate against persons because of race, sex, color, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, military status, and source of income. We also comply with all state and local fair housing laws. We offer Online Rental Application and a PDF format Rental Application to everyone.
The Applicant (“Applicant” or “I”) agrees to conduct this transaction by electronic means. The Applicant understands that by clicking “Submit Application”, the Applicant is agreeing to conduct an electronic transaction and agrees to use and receive any communications from the real estate company named above (“Management”) through electronic means. The Applicant agrees to enter the requested information electronically via the use of the Internet, and to be notified regarding this application electronically through the email address the Applicant provided. The Applicant understands and agrees that this electronically submitted document has the same legal effect as hard copies, with ink signatures. The Applicant also agrees that they may refuse to conduct this and other electronic transactions in the future.
The Management, federal laws, and the state laws prohibit discrimination in housing. The foregoing information is supplied by Applicant to Management in order to induce Management to rent to Applicant certain real property and such information shall be true and correct in all respects. Applicant hereby authorizes whatever credit, employment, residency, and income investigation that Management considers appropriate. Management’s tenant selection criteria include a review of Applicant’s identity, verifiable monthly income, employment history, residential history, credit score and credit history.
Applicant’s Certification
By clicking “Submit Application”, I have applied to lease a certain real property as listed in my Rental Application, subject to Tenant’s Minimum Application Requirements set forth by the Management, if any. In applying for the lease, I completed a Rental Application containing various information for the purpose of the lease, including but not limited to, rental history, references, employment and income information, and the assets and liabilities. I certify that all the information is true and complete. I made no misrepresentations in the Rental Application or other documents, nor did I omit any pertinent information. I acknowledge and agree that incomplete Rental Application and/or missing supporting documentation shall result in my application not being processed, until fully completed, subject to property’s availability.
By clicking “Submit Application”, I acknowledge and agree that the Management reserves the right to change the rental review processes to a full documentation method. This may include, but is not limited to, verifying the information provided on the application with the employer, previous landlord, referrals, the financial institution, and a credit/background check.
I fully understand that it is a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, to knowingly make any false statements, as applicable under the provisions of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014.
Applicant’s Authorization To Release Information
By clicking “Submit Application”, I have applied to lease certain real property from the Management. As part of the application process, the Management and/or Management’s agent (if any), may verify information contained in my Rental Application and in other documents provided by me in connection with the lease, either before the lease is signed, or after as part of Management’s quality control program.
By clicking “Submit Application”, I authorize all third parties to provide to the Management and/or Management’s agent, or any Management Company that may manage subject real estate, any and all information and documentation that they request. Such information includes, but is not limited to, employment history and income; bank, money market and similar account balances; credit history; and copies of income tax returns.
The Management and/or Management’s agent, or any Management Company that may manage subject real estate may address this authorization to any party named in the Rental Application.
A copy of this authorization and my Rental Application may be accepted as an originals.
I hereby certify that the foregoing statements are true and complete and are made for the purpose of determining my eligibility for lease. I agree that this statement shall remain Management’s property, whether or not the Rental Application is accepted. The Management and/or Management’s agent are authorized to make all inquiries they deem necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made herein, and to determine my credit worthiness, including, but not limited to procuring consumer reports from consumer reporting agencies and credit information from banks and other financial institutions and extenders of credit references, present and former employers, merchants, landlords, creditors, and to perform a background check. I hereby consent that, upon denial of the application based upon a consumer report or information received from a person other than a consumer reporting agency, on any applicant, the Management may make appropriate Fair Credit Reporting Act disclosures to the applicant.
Application Policy and Procedures
Thank you for applying with Three Pentacles, PLLC. To best serve you, we feel that it is important that you are made fully aware of, and understand our Application Policy and Procedures, as well as the Tenant Minimum Requirements. Submitting your application shall constitute your acknowledgement and agreement to the terms and conditions stated below. This is a Legal and Binding Agreement. In the event you do not fully understand the information contained herein, please consult with an attorney before applying. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@3pentacles.com during business hours, Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, CST.
Please read this document carefully before signing electronically or on the paper form. It is the policy of Three Pentacles that applications must be complete, all fees must be paid prior to submission for consideration, and all related applications for the same property must be submitted for review and approval.
An Application Contains:
- Application Policy and Procedures.
- Privacy Notice.
- Rental Application (One for each individual 18 years and older).
- $49.99 Non-Refundable Application Fee.
- Required Supportive Documentation:
- Copy of a legible and valid Government issued photo ID, such as a Passport, Driver’s License, or State ID.
- Verifiable Proof of Income, 2 most recent pay-stubs, or 2 years of signed tax returns if self-employed applicants, or a copy of the Section 8 Voucher.
- 12 Months of Bank Statements showing proof of rental payments to current landlord. Circle or highlight rent payment on each statement.
- Completed Pet Screening Profile, required by all applicants regardless if they have a pet, assistance animal, or not. See: https://3pentacles.petscreening.com/
- If your Rental Application is approved, instead of a security deposit, a one-time, non-refundable Move-in Fee equal to half (1/2) of the rent amount may be charged at the time of your lease signing.
- If approved, tenant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance (ACORD Form 24 or 25) showing proof of Renter’s Insurance with Three Pentacles, PLLC being named as additional insured, or co-insured with a minimum liability insurance coverage of $100,000 prior to possession being granted. In the absence of proof of Renters Insurance, tenant agrees to pay $15/m for limited liability insurance obtained by Three Pentacles, PLLC.
- If your Rental Application is approved, instead of a security deposit, the Applicant may be required to purchase security deposit insurance in the amount of 1.5 times monthly rent or $5,000 whichever is less from Rhino (https://www.sayrhino.com/), or a surety bond from Assurant (https://flexdeposit.com/public/guide-resident.htm) prior to possession being granted.
- If approved, the lease agreement must be signed by the applicant within 24 hours, otherwise it shall be presumed that the applicant is no longer interested in the subject property, and the offer to rent shall become null and void.
Tenant Minimum Requirements, Screening Criteria, Notices and Disclosures
- All applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee of $49.99 per adult (18 or older).
- Each adult over 18 is required complete a separate application form.
- Please confirm before applying that your rental requirements are not outside of our Tenant Minimum Requirements and Screening Criteria.
- There may be multiple applications submitted for the property you selected.
- Incomplete Applications will not be considered until fully completed.
- We encourage you to apply.
Three Pentacles, PLLC is committed to equal housing, and we fully comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA). We do not discriminate against persons because of race, sex, color, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, military status, and source of income. We also comply with all state and local fair housing laws. We offer Online Rental Application and a PDF format Rental Application to everyone:
Upon Approval
- If your Rental Application is approved, instead of a security deposit, a one-time, non-refundable Move-in Fee equal to half (1/2) of the rent amount may be charged at the time of lease signing.
- If approved, tenant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance (ACORD Form 24 or 25) showing proof of Renter’s Insurance with Three Pentacles, PLLC being named as additional insured, or co-insured with a minimum liability insurance coverage of $100,000. OR, in the absence of proof of Renters Insurance, tenant agrees to pay $15/m for limited liability insurance obtained by Three Pentacles, PLLC.
- If your Rental Application is approved, instead of a security deposit, Applicant may be required to purchase security deposit insurance in the amount of 1.5 times monthly rent or $5,000 whichever is less from Rhino (https://www.sayrhino.com/), or a surety bond from Assurant (https://flexdeposit.com/public/guide-resident.htm) prior to possession being granted.
The lease agreement will be emailed to you electronically for you to review and to sign online. Alternatively, you may sign the lease agreement in person, if you wish. Once the lease agreement has been sent to you, you will have 24 hours to review and sign the lease. If we do not receive a signed lease agreement within 24 hours, the property will be released and it will continue to accept applications. After the lease has been signed, we will take the property off the market. Once all fees and prorated rents have been paid, we will, on the morning of your lease start date, provide you the possession and keys.
Move-In Inspection and Orientation
Prior to tenant’s move in date, arrangements will be made for a walk-through, inspection, and orientation with a Property Manager. The Property Manager will provide the tenant with a brief orientation and instruct them on basic property maintenance, including changing air filters, unclogging a garbage disposal, water cut-offs, smoke alarms, fuse & breaker box locations, and GFCI resets. A written report will include interior and exterior photos. The exterior will be documented with photos of all four sides of the home, the roof, any exterior equipment, and yard. Interior photos will also be taken of each room, included equipment, any damaged or defective conditions, and an overall view of most areas. A copy of this report will be sent to the tenant and retained on file by Three Pentacles, PLLC.
Sight Unseen Addendum
It is possible to apply for a property, be approved, and sign a lease agreement without ever seeing it in person. In such a scenario, we require an incoming approved tenant to sign a “Sight Unseen Addendum” to the Lease Agreement. If any tenant has not physically seen the property prior to signing a lease agreement, a “Sight Unseen Addendum” must be attached to the lease, and it must be signed by all tenants.
Verification of Provided Identification
Each applicant is required to provide a copy of a legible and valid Government issued photo identification, for example a Passport, Driver’s License, or State ID.
Review and Verification of Income for Each Applicant
Income must be at least three (3) times the monthly rent and verifiable from an unbiased source: employer through pay stubs, tax returns, and/or bank statements. Self-employed income may also be verified with a CPA-prepared financial statement or tax returns. Your employment history should reflect at least 6 months with your current employer. Transfers or relocations must have correspondence showing an accepted job offer. Any verification fees required by the employer must be paid by the applicant. Section 8 tenants must provide a copy of their Voucher.
Review and Verification of Employment History
We require verifiable employment history for at least the past three (3) years. You must be a permanent employee (not temporary or probationary). If you are self-employed, retired, or not employed, we can accept signed tax returns (2 years minimum), bank statements, or other proof of applicant’s ability to pay the rent. If military, we need a current copy of your LES. If you are active-duty military, you must be on an assignment that, to the best of your knowledge, will allow you to complete an initial 12-month lease.
Review and Verification of Rental History
We require verifiable residence history for at least three (3) years, whether you currently own or rent. Applicants are responsible for providing information including the names, addresses and phone numbers, of Landlords with the dates of tenancy for the previous 3 years. Rental history must be verified from unbiased sources. Home ownership will be verified from a current credit report. We can accept base housing as rental history.
Any eviction may be automatic grounds for denial. Broken leases will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Household Size
- A pregnant woman is considered to be a two-person household.
- Children with a significant age difference and/or different genders shall occupy separate bedrooms.
- Any live-in aide (approved by the PHA to reside in the unit to care for a family member who is disabled or is at least 50 years of age) will be counted-in to determine the unit size. A maximum of one bedroom will be allocated for live-in aides, even if the family has more than one aide.
- A child who is temporarily away because he/she is in foster care is considered a member of the family in determining the unit size.
- Unit sizes and the Maximum Occupancy are as follows:
- 0BR=1
- 1BR=2
- 2BR=4
- 3BR=6
Errors & Omissions
Every effort has been made to provide applicants with reliable and accurate information regarding the home you are applying for. However, changes can and do take place to cause inaccurate information to be accidentally presented. We encourage all tenants to verify schools, allowable pets, expected features, or any HOA concerns prior to signing a lease agreement. Any information posted in any advertisement, the MLS, or websites does NOT constitute a written agreement or guarantee of the facts stated.
Credit History Review and Verification
We will obtain a copy of your credit report with the VantageScore4 from TransUnion. You cannot provide this to us. We will not accept any third-party credit report. Credit history should show that the resident has paid bills on time and does not have a history of debt “write-offs” or accounts that have gone into collection. Money owed to a previous landlord or utility company may be cause for denial.
For multiple applicants we use an average combined VantageScore4 by adding all applicants scores together and dividing them by the number of applicants to arrive at the determining number for the approval process. For example:
Applicant ONE has a VantageScore4 of 700, and Applicant TWO has a VantageScore4 of 550. The total score would be 700+550=1,250; divide by two applicants 1,250/2= 625. The average combined VantageScore4 would be 625.
Co-signers are welcomed to help increase your credit score if needed.
We accept both VantageScore4 and FICO credit evaluations. However, because of the difference in how each is calculated, Our minimum required average combined, credit scores vary:
Minimum VantageScore4 is 620+
Minimum FICO is: 661+
Review and Verification of Pet Screening Application
Three Pentacles, PLLC is a pet friendly property management company. We understand that a pet plays a significant role in many people’s lives. We attempt to allow most animals in our rental properties. Depending on the property owner’s preferences, each residence may have its own pet policy, so please make sure to ask if the property that has caught your eye accepts pets. We use a third-party service, PetScreening at https://3pentacles.petscreening.com/ , to ensure all applicants understand how to adhere to the property’s pet and animal policies, even if you do not have a pet or animal.
PetScreening Profiles are required for every applicant applying for one of our properties. PetScreening provides a risk level assessment for each pet profile which is based on the over risk of the pet. Pet Fees are based on the Paw Score Risk Level (FIDO) assessed by PetScreening.
Three Pentacles, PLLC reserves the right to have any pet removed from the property if it is determined that the pet poses a threat to the safety or condition of the property, or people in the property, or the community.
We charge a pet fee each month, for each of your pets. The term “pet fee” is simply a fee you will pay for the allowance of your pet to occupy the rental unit with you. Pet fees are charged monthly and are paid with your property rent:
- Pets must be house, crate, and/or litter trained.
- We do not allow our residents to foster rescues pets, orphaned pets, or pet-sit for any reason in our residences.
- ONLY approved pets that have been screened by PetScreening are allowed in our residences.
- Pet approval is based on a favorable rating from PetScreening. Pets with Zero (0) Paw Score are NOT allowed.
- Renters Insurance with Pet Endorsement is required.
- Maximum two (2) pets per property. If you have more, let us know ahead of time.
Pet Fees:
- Pet Processing Fee is a non-refundable one-time upfront fee of $100.00 per pet.
- Dogs and Cats. Pet Rent is paid monthly throughout entire tenancy, times the number of pets, based on the FIDO Paw Score provided by PetScreening:
- 0 Paw – Pets with Zero (0) Paw Score are NOT allowed.
- 1 Paw – $100/m, paid monthly with rent.
- 2 Paw – $80/m, paid monthly with rent.
- 3 Paw – $60/m, paid monthly with rent.
- 4 Paw – $50/m, paid monthly with rent.
- 5 Paw – $40/m, paid monthly with rent.
- Birds (per cage): Small Breeds (ie. Budgies & Finches) $10; Large Breeds (ie. Parrots & Cockatoos) $25.
- Caged pets (per pet): Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Reptiles, Ferrets, Amphibians, etc. $10.
- Fish Tanks (per tank): $10 per 10 gallons. Max of 40 gal.Fish tanks require Renters Insurance that includes water damage coverage.
- Farm or Exotic Pets will be assessed on Cased-By-Case Basis.
- There is no cost to you for Assistance Animals. Please make sure you are aware of the State’s laws, for submitting a fraudulent accommodation request for a service or support animal. All request for a service or support animal will be verified by PerScreening.

Short Term Lease Agreement Option
In the event Applicant requests less than 12 month initial lease agreement, Three Pentacles, PLLC charges 150% of the stated monthly rental rate. For example, if the advertised rent is $1,500/month, then the 6 Month Lease amount would be $2,250/month.
Criminal Background Check
Cook County, Illinois allows landlords to perform criminal background checks after a prospective tenant has been pre-qualified. We may perform criminal background checks for all occupants over 18 after they have been prequalified:
- All applications are considered on first come first served basis.
- Once the criminal background check has been performed, we will provide the criminal background data obtained to the applicant within five (5) business days.
- Sexual offenses within a conviction history, regardless of when it occurred, may result in a denial of housing.
- Past criminal convictions within three (3) years may result in a denial of housing. The applicant will have five (5) business days to dispute any inaccuracies in the criminal history. A final decision, following the applicant’s opportunity to dispute period, will be made within three (3) business days.
Security Deposit Insurance or a Bond
To ease the burden of having to pay a large upfront amounts of money, Three Pentacles, PLLC typically does NOT collect Security Deposits. Applicants may have the opportunity to either choose to purchase security deposit insurance, or a bond.
Tenants are Responsible for all Damage to the Property
At the end of Lease Agreement and after tenant moves out, Three Pentacles, PLLC will conducts a move out inspection to assess any damage to the property, above normal fair wear and tear. In the event there is property damage, above normal fair wear and tear, the tenant will be responsible for the cost of the repairs.
Mandatory Limited Liability Insurance or Renters Insurance
Limited Liability Insurance or Renter’s Insurance is required for all properties. The tenant must purchase at his/her own cost either subscribe to Three Pentacles Limited Liability Insurance with $100,000 coverage for $15/m, or provide proof of Renter’s Insurance and present a Certificate of Insurance (ACORD Form 24 or 25) naming Three Pentacles, PLLC as the Additional Insured, or Co-Insured, Certificate Holder/with Endorsement with a minimum $100,000 of Liability Coverage Limit.
In the event the tenant does not provide proof of Renter’s Insurance prior to moving-in, the tenant agrees to be automatically enrolled at tenant’s expense into Three Pentacle’s Limited Liability Insurance with $100,000 in coverage at a monthly fee of $15 in addition to the monthly rent.
No Smoking, Tobacco-Free Properties
Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death and property damage in the United States. Smoking and secondhand smoke are known causes of lung disease, heart disease, and cancer. Three Pentacles recognizes the hazards caused by tobacco use and exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke. This policy covers the smoking of any tobacco product, including smokeless tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes (regardless of tobacco content), and it applies to both tenants and visitors of Three Pentacles properties. Smoking is not allowed in the property, including garages, and all common areas. Smoking is permitted outdoors, in the designated outside area minimum 15 feet away from the property.
School Boundaries and School Enrollment
It is the duty of the applicant to verify school boundaries prior to applying. Any concerns about school boundaries and school enrollment should be investigated prior to submitting your application. Designation boundaries may change, applicants must verify their own school information with the school district. We highly recommend that you contact the local school district if the school boundaries are a concern for the property you would like to rent.
Disabled Accessibility
Any concerns should be submitted in writing to the property manager. We must obtain Owner’s approval to allow modifications to the property. All modifications are to be performed at the expense of the disabled person, and the disabled person must agree to restore the premises, at their own expense to the pre-modified condition (provided the modification would affect the use and enjoyment of the premises for future residents). We require written proposals detailing the extent of the work to be done, approval from the landlord before modifications are made, appropriate building permits with required licenses made available for the landlord’s inspection, and a restoration deposit may be required per Fair Housing guidelines.
Home-Based Business
Businesses are not allowed to be operated from a residential property. If you have a home-based business that you think we might approve, please let the Property Manager know prior to application.
Periodic Inspections
Three Pentacles, PLLC conducts periodic inspections of the property you will live in. We take pictures of the interior and exterior during that inspection. This information is kept on record and shared with the property owner. If this standard of periodic inspections procedure is going to cause you a problem, we recommend you stop now and do not apply for one of our properties.
Showing the Property During the Last 60 Days of Your Lease
If you are not renewing your lease, during the last 60 days of your lease agreement, a sign and lockbox may be placed on the property, and you may be required to show the property to prospective new tenants. You may opt out of this arrangement, but it will cost an additional fee of one month’s rent to do so.
Late Payments
Three Pentacles is a ZERO TOLERANCE company regarding rent collection. Rent is due the 1st day of each month, and late after the 5th day of each month. Late fees begin midnight on the 5th day of the month. Late fees will be applied with no exceptions in accordance with all Federal Fair Housing laws.
Privacy Notice
You have chosen to do business with Three Pentacles, PLLC and we are obligated to honor the relationship with great care. To see our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, please go to: https://3pentacles.com/privacy-policy-and-terms-of-use/
Reasons For Denial of Application
- If you failed to give proper notice when vacating a property.
- If previous landlord(s) would be unwilling to rent to you again for reasons pertaining to your behavior or that of any family member, guest (welcome or not), or any animal on the property during your tenancy.
- If you have had three or more late payments of rent within the last 12 months.
- If you have an unpaid collection filed against you by a Property Management Company.
- If an unlawful detainer action or eviction has occurred within the past three (3) years.
- If you have recently received a 5-Day Notice to vacate.
- If you have less than a 620 combined Trans Union VantageScore4, or 661 FICO credit score and refuse to obtain a co-signer (Lease Guarantor) to bring up your combined credit as outlined above.
- If your income is less than three (3) times the monthly rent amount, and/or it can’t be verified through pay stubs, tax returns, and/or bank statements, or a Section 8 Voucher.
- If you have had two (2) or more NSF checks within the last 12 months.
- If you have allowed any person(s), not on the lease, to reside on the premises.
- If we are unable to verify your information, we must deny the application.
- If you did not complete PetScreening, or you submitted a fraudulent accommodation request for a service or support animal. Pets with Zero (0) Paw Score are not allowed.
- Businesses are not allowed to be operated from a residential property. If you have a home-based business that you think we might approve, please let the Property Manager know prior to application.
- If you violate any of our terms of service during this application process.
- Applicant requests re-wording or removing any paragraphs in the Three Pentacles, PLLC Lease Agreement.
- Any other lawful reason that may arise as a result of your application’s review and approval process.
Applicant's Self-Verification of Tenant Minimum Requirements and the Pre-Screening Criteria
Complete Rental Application Terms and Conditions, Tenant Minimum Requirements, and Pre-Screening Criteria have been posted on this webpage and they are available to the Applicant to review and verify prior to applying. By clicking “Submit Application”, the Applicant attests that he/she/it reviewed and meets the herein stated Rental Application Terms and Conditions, Tenant Minimum Requirements, and Pre-Screening Criteria, and authorizes Management to conduct a criminal background check. If Management processes Applicant’s criminal background check, Management may review Applicant’s criminal history for the past three (3) years and Management may deny Applicant housing if Applicant’s criminal conviction history poses a demonstrable risk to personal safety or property.
Rental Application Subject to Availability of Property
I fully understand that this application for residential occupancy agreement is taken subject to the approval of Management and is also subject to the availability of the subject premises. If any information contained herein is found to be false, I hereby agree that any lease made with me may be terminated at any time. Should this application be accepted by Management, I agree to execute a written lease in the form prepared by Management prior to occupancy of the premises and I agree to be bound by its terms and all of the rules and regulations contained therein. I further understand that Management reserves the right to reject this application at any time before the lease has been signed by an officer of Management.
Damage Waiver
Non-Reliance Release
Liability Limit
Tenant Screening Services
The Applicant further acknowledges and agrees that the Management may use services of third parties to perform Tenant Screening Services and related property management functions. Applicant attests that he/she/it has reviewed the Rental Application Terms and Conditions and the Applicant accepts and agrees to be bound by these Rental Application Terms and Conditions.
By submitting my rental application, I affirm that I have read and I understand the Rental Application Terms and Conditions, Tenant Minimum Requirements, and Pre-Screening Criteria, posted here; and, I further acknowledge and agree to be bound by them.
Three Pentacles, PLLC is an Equal Opportunity Housing Company.
Our staff members adhere to a strict Code of Ethics, and to the Federal Fair Housing Law.